The University has a Proctorial system. The existing proctorial team consists of one Proctor and three Assistant Proctor. The role of the Proctors is to ensure the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the university specified by the BUTEX act and syndicate. The team also perform other duties required by the Vice-Chancellor regarding discipline of the students. Prof. Dr. Ummul Khair Fatema is the present Proctor of the university.
Message from Proctor
Proctor is a position within university mainly to keep students aware and informed about various etiquettes, campus mannerism, discipline, policies, rules & regulation of the University. He is facilitator to make students professional and disciplined.
As a Proctor, I too wish to be a partner in your mission to be a true professional- technically as well as humanly. It’s the endeavor of BUTEX to scale you high and at the top in career. Faculty is making you academically sound; and I, as a proctor, to shape your attitudes, mannerism and to shape you as a law abiding citizen.
My Best wishes for your very comfortable, enjoyable, progressive and professional life in the campus. I am always with you and would be partner to be with you in your journey to be a true professional and a great citizen of beloved Bangladesh.
Proctorial Body
- ProctorProf. Dr. Ummul Khair Fatema
Prof. Dr. Ummul Khair Fatema Proctor
Dean, Faculty of Textile Chemical Engineering
- Assistant ProctorDr. Md. Sultan Mahmud
Dr. Md. Sultan Mahmud Assistant Proctor
Associate Professor, Department of Yarn Engineering
- Assistant ProctorDr. Md. Rashedul Islam
Dr. Md. Rashedul Islam Assistant Proctor
Assistant Professor, Department of Wet Process Engineering
- Assistant ProctorMd. Kamrul Hassan Chowdhury
Md. Kamrul Hassan Chowdhury Assistant Proctor
Assistant Professor, Department of Apparel Engineering
- MemberDr. Mahmuda Akter
Dr. Mahmuda Akter Member
Provost, Sheikh Hasina Hall
Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Apparel Eng.
- MemberDr. Emdad Sarker
Dr. Emdad Sarker Member
Provost, Shaheed Aziz Hall
Associate Professor, Department of Fabric Engineering
- MemberDr. Md. Syduzzaman
Dr. Md. Syduzzaman Member
Provost, G. M. A. G. Osmani Hall
Associate Professor, Department of Textile Engineering Management
- MemberDr. Md. Mahbubor Rahman
Dr. Md. Mahbubor Rahman Member
Provost, Syed Nazrul Islam Hall
Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Textile Fashion & Design
Office of the Proctor
Address: Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX)
Phone: +88 0258151788 / Ex.304
Visiting hour: 1:00 PM-3:00 PM
Information Centre
Complain for Eve teasing and Sexual Harassment
The Proctor’s Office will refer any complaints of sexual harassment to the Complaint Committee, who will then investigate and make recommendations to the Disciplinary Committee.
Complaint Committee:
- ChairmanDr. Nargis Jahan Ara
Dr. Nargis Jahan Ara Chairman
Faculty of Science & Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Cell: 01552404762
- MemberDr. Hosne Ara Begum
Dr. Hosne Ara Begum Member
Head, Dept. of Yarn Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Cell: 01797-260855
- MemberRepresentative
Representative Member
National Commission of Human Rights
- MemberRepresentative
Representative Member
Department of Women Affairs
Ministry of Women & Children Affair, GOB
- Member SecretaryDr. Ummul Khair Fatema
Dr. Ummul Khair Fatema Member Secretary
Head, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Bangladesh University of Textiles
Cell: 01714-412369
Role of The Complaint Committee:
The role of the Complaint Committee is to investigate complaints of eve teasing, sexual harassment / assault on, or in some cases off, the university campus. More specifically;
- To receive complains of sexual harassment / assault.
- To perform an investigation based on supportive evidence and interviews.
- To recommend possible actions to the Disciplinary Committee.